What a Glorious weekend! Cold, Crisp, Clear, Windy and Breathtakingly Sunny!
Here are a couple of cool resources to check out: To your right is: A Shire Guide Through The Gate- Scroll to the bottom entry: Shire and click.
Next: Go to ITunes and type in jrr tolkien, Choose: Seattle Pacific University More Lectures, Then get #37 C.S. Lewis and The Art of Storytelling by Earl Palmer Excellent! and Free!
#39 C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien Scholars and Friends by Christopher Mitchell Gives us a peak into their private world, and also is excellent. Explore and Enjoy! Until next time...Here's To The Shire!
PS Click on the picture above for a large view.
Gorgeous picture, Bilbo! I made it our desktop background.
ReplyDeleteThanks Becca! I took the picture at Bellingrath Gardens. Click the photo to enlarge it. ~Cheers~